Brian Higgins tweeted the following:
"Due to the winter storm, our office will be canceling today's Congress on Your Corner at Riverside Library.Stay tuned for upcoming dates. As always, if you have questions or need assistance with a federal agency call our office at 716-852-3501."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Brian Higgins:
"February is #CancerPreventionMonth, reminding us that #earlydetection = #betteroutcomes. Lung cancer is a leading cause of death among all forms of cancer. That's why we intro'd the Increasing Access to Lung Cancer Screening bill, aiming to improve screening in underserved areas."Read on Twitter
"During #BlackHistoryMonth we honor all the Black soldiers who have served despite facing discrimination.The African American Veterans Monument was unveiled at the @BfloNavalPark, remembering all who defended our nation despite the inequities they lived." on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"Just 12% of semiconductor chips are manufactured in the US, but thanks to the #CHIPSandScienceAct that is quickly changing.We are making investments in a clean & sustainable future, improving supply chains, & creating good-paying jobs in advanced manufacturing & technology." on Feb. 22Read on Twitter